Action 2020 – An Unconference
What is Unconference?
Unlike in the traditional Seminars / Conference, in the UnConference mode, opportunity is given to all the participants to share their views. There is no VIP speaker. All the speakers are participants and vice versa. It is a free for all. Do not worry. Nothing will happen. Sure….there will be order in disorder. In this process, even the junior most person will have the opportunity to share the views.
Who Can participate ?
The purpose of this UnConference is to have the fusion between the creativity of the youngsters with the expertise of the seniors. There are two conditions for the organisations to participate.
(a) Only the Service organisations (formal or informal), promoted by youth (College students and/or young professionals) for serving the society; and
(b) these organisations should have already involved in the activities atleast since one year.
Interested may send their details of their organisation to Siva, the coordinator at shivapas(@) with the details of your activities, contact details, etc.
The UnConference is a full day programme from 10 AM to 5 PM with Lunch break. There is no participation fee.
Venue will be announced later to the participating organistaions.
For more info please visit wiki.prpoint